Aqautic Ventures

Medical Questionnaire


Among the requirements when you enroll in an Aquatic Ventures diver training course is that you complete a short medical history questionnaire.

  • If you can honestly answer No to all ten questions the form asks, you needn’t do anything else.
  • On the other hand, if you must answer Yes to one or more questions, you may need to get a physician’s approval for diving prior to the start of the course.

Here are the questions the form asks. Look them over now so that they do not come as a surprise later.

  • Are you pregnant or attempting to become pregnant?
  • Have you had problems with your lungs/breathing, heart, blood, or have been diagnosed with COVID-19?
  • Are you over 45 years of age?
  • Do you struggle to perform moderate exercise (for example, walk 1.6 kilometer/one mile in 14 minutes or swim 200 meters/yards without resting), or are you unable to participate in a normal physical activity due to fitness or health reasons within the past twelve months?
  • Have you had problems with your eyes, ears or nasal passages/sinuses?
  • Have you had surgery within the last twelve months or have had ongoing problems related to past surgery?
  • Have you lost consciousness, had migraine headaches, seizures, stroke, significant head injury, or suffer from persistent neurologic injury or disease?
  • Are you currently undergoing treatment (or have required treatment within the last five years) for psychological problems, personality disorder, panic attacks, or an addiction to drugs or alcohol; or, you have been diagnosed with a learning disability?
  • Have you had back problems, hernia, ulcers, or diabetes?
  • Have you had stomach or intestine problems, including recent diarrhea?
  • Are you taking prescription medications (with the exception of birth control or anti-malarial drugs other than mefloquine/Lariam).

If you can honestly answer No to all of these questions, you’re good to go. Otherwise, call us at (954) 792-4977. We will get you the necessary paperwork and help walk you through the process of getting your doctor’s approval. You will need to get this done before the start of class.

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