Aqautic Ventures

Course Registration

Sign up

Use this form to begin the registration process. It’s important you do this right now and not wait until later.

  • Except for those under the last section on Additional Information, all fields are required.
  • If you can honestly answer No to all the questions under Medical History, you need to do nothing else.
  • On the other hand, if you must answer Yes to one of the Medical History questions, we will send you a form to take to your doctor for their approval. You must do this before the start of class.
  • Note to women: If you are pregnant or attempting to become pregnant, do not dive.

Be aware that the registration process will not be complete until we receive payment in full. You can do this in person or over the phone

Important: If, after clicking the Send button, you do not see a message indicating that the form was successfully sent, it most likely means you did not fill out a required field. Please supply the missing information and try again.

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